The promise of cooperation
„You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.“
Richard Buckminster Fuller
As we have seen, the economic inefficiency of competition is extremely high. If humans were able to work with the same determination like today, but in full cooperation, the gains would be likewise extremely high. We would have to work only a small fraction of the time compared to today for the same amount of wealth. This would free enormous amounts of time which we could use in many ways:
- Create art (painting, movies, music, computer games etc.)
- Create hand crafted goods (like fashion, tableware, juwelery, furniture etc.)
- Spend time with friends or the partner
- Sports and games
- Travelling
- Gardening
- Cooking nice food
- Teaching kids in a better way
The burden for the environment would be also minimal compared to the current system. And the resources of our planet would be sufficient for all humankind.
Cooperation would also allow the construction of IT platforms on a global scale (owned by humankind) without the enormous negative side effects we see today from such systems (monopolies, abuse of user data, filter bubbles due to unethical use of A.I. etc.).
Because people would not be forced to generate an income anymore, we could make aggressive use of automation (A.I. and robotics) without any negative side effects and for the benefit of all.
We could spend much more time into quality education of adults and kids. It would give us the time to do much more 1:1 teaching by working on projects (instead of the cheap video tutorials and 1:25 schools we have today).
A cooperative world would be also a world without suppression. What was considered a „weakness“ before could be enjoyed as diversity and richness now.