How to explore your subconscious reward system

„Humans have free will but much of their behavior is automatic. In that way, humans and robots are not too different. If you are not super conscious, you are nearly a programmed robot of yourself“


If you want to know who you really are you can do the following:
Observe others. Everything they do, the good and the bad, you must have inside yourself too. This is a direct consequence of fact that your brain constructs a model of the reality around you and this includes other people. Your personality is the selection of behaviors you express. But all the other behaviors are there too. This allows you to deal with other peoples behavior or express them at some point in time too (if it seems beneficial). This selection of behaviors therefore implements your life strategy. But your strategy might change anytime. If you think carefully, you will also realize that you have already done in a similar way most of the things which others have done (the good and the bad).

The goal of this observation process is that you recognize yourself in others. This will enable compassion.

Strategies closely related to sex can be explored by exploring sexual fantasies. Find out what arouses you and try to find out what is behind. You can for instance read erotic literature or watch good (i.e. honest) porn.