The cultural values of the cooperative society

“Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Now we can sketch a few cultural values we could teach our kids in a cooperative society to make it work well.

It is important that all the values can be followed without effort or forcing yourself. They should not be „rules“ or „laws“. It should be a pleasure and beneficial to follow them and not following them should bring nuisance. Only then they will be implemented by most people.

  • Work only for others and give generously. Do things for yourself only if you really have no choice. You should do this not because you are a „good person“ but out of selfishness: you know that everything you give to the community will come back to you manifold. It is also much more fun to make gifts than to buy things for yourself. Don’t expect reciprocal gifts. Thinking like this turns you into an accountant („You gave me already 4 wine bottles so I give you 4 back tomorrow“). What you give will come back from someone else.
  • Be compassionate. Try to find yourself in as many people as possible. This allows you to feel their joy.
  • Never feel guilty. Don’t worry about the past. The past does not define you.
  • Become aware of who you truly are and accept it. Invest time in discovering yourself. Also the difficult and inconvenient parts. Try to understand. Don‘t feel guilty to have fun in the process.
  • Accept yourself the way you truly are and realize that you are an amazing creature. Then be critical with yourself. Attack yourself instead of others. You are innocent for what you are, but you can still grow.
  • Never feel ashamed. Don’t be ashamed to have harmless fun with who you are. Having fun with yourself is beneficial because it improves your awareness. If we one day can watch the „nude girls skipping rope competition“ in a pub or watch some „horror porn comedy“ together in the cinema we will have reached maturity. Only when we can laugh about our own strange desires (and not about the actresses and actors in the mentioned shows!) we have successfully rendered them harmless.
  • Don’t pretend to be good by nature. It’s not true and you are only pushing others into behaving evil by doing this.
  • Don‘t try to become a „moral person“. It will only kill your soul, your creativity, your humor, your sexuality. And you will fail anyway (like it’s impossible to „cure“ homosexuality). Be unmoral.
  • Honor our sad and violent past, don’t try to forget it. It has created you in all your beauty. And it’s the only past we have. „Cancel culture“ can only result in no culture at all. This is because our history is one big minefield. If you want to clean it from evil there will be nothing left. Treat our history as a valuable cultural heritage. We will have to build on it! But try to become aware of how history has shaped our minds.
  • Raise children collectively. Learn to enjoy other peoples children. They are cute, inspiring and very funny.
  • Teach others. Adults and kids should learn by doing driven only by curiosity and not in schools.
  • Let information flow freely. Do not hide any information. It is a complicated hassle and makes you feel like a cheater. All the data stored on any digital storage device belongs to the community and everybody is allowed to read it. Go offline if you need privacy.
  • It‘s good if women and men have multiple sex partners.
  • It is better if nobody knows who is the father of a child.
  • Own as little as possible. Possessions are a burden. In the end they own you. Share instead wherever possible and remain light and mobile.
  • Don’t let others claim to own important things: IP or ideas, ground, machines, houses, art etc.. It‘s not in your interest.
  • Enjoy the company of strangers. Experiencing the company of people who are different is a great adventure. They also help you to understand yourself.